Jordan Bowden

McGill University

Urban Studies

Project Location: Montreal, Canada

Empowerment through emerging technologies for people with disabilities 

What was the initiative? 

Jordan’s initiative aimed to empower people with disabilities through emerging technology. As part of the Fellowship, Bowden organized Make-A-Thon events where participants, including people with disabilities, designed and 3D-printed assistive devices. The initiative also introduced a web-based system to create tactile maps for individuals with vision loss. These maps, generated using web-GIS software, could be laser-cut or 3D-printed, allowing visually impaired individuals to navigate spaces through touch. Bowden’s work also included supporting the Forward Movement, which sought to change Ontario’s accessibility symbol to a more dynamic representation of people with disabilities.  

What was the community connection? 

Jordan’s connection to the community grew through personal relationships with individuals experiencing vision loss. Over time, witnessing the daily challenges these individuals in his life faced – navigating public spaces, accessing information, and maintaining independence – highlighted the limitations of environments designed primarily for people with the ability of sight. As a designer and maker, Jordan became increasingly aware of how often accessibility was overlooked, even in newly built spaces. This perspective deepened a commitment to exploring inclusive design solutions that prioritize tactile and audible elements, ensuring greater autonomy and ease of navigation for those with visual impairments.  

How was it innovative? 

The initiative was innovative in multiple ways. First, it leveraged technology like 3D printing, laser cutting, and digital mapping to address real-world accessibility challenges. The Make-A-Thons provided a unique space where people with disabilities collaborated directly with makers and healthcare professionals, ensuring that assistive devices were designed based on users’ needs. The tactile mapping system was another breakthrough, as it transformed conventional digital maps into a format accessible through touch. Additionally, Jordan’s approach emphasized community-driven solutions, ensuring that people with disabilities were actively involved in shaping the tools meant to empower them.   

What is Jordan doing now?  

Jordan recently started working as a Sales Operations Consultant at miniExtensions where he develops sales and revenue operations process.