Anthony Sardain
McGill University
Project location: Panama
“I look forward to the challenge and opportunity to further develop the skills, knowledge and perspective I need to carry me forward and become the best version of myself”
Reforestation and sustainable land-use management
What was the initiative?
Anthony’s initiative focused on reforestation and sustainable land-use management in the Indigenous Emberá community of Piriatí, Panama. It was led by a youth task force, Êjûã Wãdrã (“Guardians of the Forest”), who developed and implemented a community-driven reforestation project. The group planted 2,500 trees across 6 hectares, established plant and seed nurseries, and formed partnerships with NGOs and IGOs. Over time, Êjûã Wãdrã evolved into an autonomous NGO, securing funding and training opportunities. The initiative emphasized community ownership, environmental conservation, and long-term sustainability, with the youth taking full leadership after Anthony’s departure.
What was the community connection?
In 2013, Anthony collaborated with an NGO to provide instructional cinematography workshops to Indigenous youth in Piriati. This work established the relationships that became the foundation of his Fellowship initiative.
How was it innovative?
The initiative was innovative in its community-led approach to environmental conservation, emphasizing youth leadership, sustainability, and indigenous knowledge. Instead of imposing an external reforestation plan, the initiative empowered young Emberá community members to take ownership of land-use management through Êjûã Wãdrã (“Guardians of the Forest”). The project combined traditional ecological knowledge with modern conservation techniques, fostering long-term environmental stewardship. Additionally, the initiative’s structure encouraged autonomy and self-sufficiency, ultimately leading to the formation of an independent NGO. By prioritizing grassroots decision-making, multi-generational participation, and strategic partnerships, the initiative ensured lasting impact beyond external involvement.
What is Anthony doing now?
Anthony recently founded his company Cavela, which is using AI to automate manufacturing and e-commerce.